Download The Boar Knife (pdf ebook) by Luke Sky Wachter

Download The Boar Knife (pdf ebook) by Luke Sky Wachter

PDF: 130 pages
Publisher: Pacific Crest Publishing (December 19, 2013)
Language: English

The Boar Knife is a Prequel Novella and is followed by Book One: The Blooding. This novella will be free on the 10th of each month through October. 
Falon had never wanted to be a boy. She was content to dream of falling in love with Prince Charming, dancing in silk dresses, and traveling the world like the fair Ladies in her sister's books. 
But with a faltering estate and the inability to market their family's goods, her sister Christie devised a plan which involved Falon pretending to be a boy so that she could do business in the markets of the local villages. 
Two years had passed, and the girls had done their best to provide for their siblings while their father's health slowly deteriorated, until he was bedridden and unable to help with managing their meager estate. 
One day, while walking through the family orchard with her papa's favored war hound, Falon came across a threat to her family's survival. But a four hundred pound, rampaging boar intent on destroying her fruit orchard would quickly become the least of her family's problems. 
Caught in an impossible situation, Falon must find a way to answer the unlikely call of her Lord. Even having a Witch for a mother is not enough to spare her from the drums of war. But first her family has to get a couple of supply wagons ready. 
Will she crumble under the enormous pressure, or will she rise to the challenge?


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